Prayer & Fasting
We’re remaining STEADFAST in 2024! Join us as we dedicate the first portion of our year to align our hearts with God’s heart, seek greater capacities for boldness, and ask for the wisdom to advance the Kingdom with courage!
January 8th-17th
What is fasting?
Simply stated, biblical fasting is refraining from food for a spiritual purpose. As a church, we are fasting in order to deepen our relationship with God and to walk in step with His plan and purpose. The best way to do this is to redirect our food source or something else of importance to us (i.e. media). This is accomplished through substituting our regular intake with Bible reading, praying and journaling.
The overall goal is to experience a genuine hunger for spending time with God. According to the Bible, there are three duties of every Christian: give, pray, and fast. Fasting takes a lot of discipline and strength – strength you can only receive from God. Your private discipline will bring you rewards in Heaven, as stated in Matthew 6.
When you give God your first through fasting, prayer, and giving at the beginning of the year, you set the course for the entire year.
Will we choose the path of least resistance or will we remain steadfast?
Our hope is that every meal will be covered in prayer during the ten days we’re dedicating for this time of seeking the Lord. Sign up using the link below to indicate your commitment!