Connection Card
Use this form to update your contact information or status, share your prayer request or praise report, and tell us who you are believing will come to know Jesus as Savior!
Let us know how the Holy Spirit is moving you forward in your faith journey! Tell us if you are making a decision to follow Jesus or if you’re ready to be water baptized.
Indicate on the form how we can help you get connected to the life of the church. We want to enable you to grow in faith and friendships!
We take joy in creating an environment where you can receive hope and encouragement, and advance toward all the good things that God has for your life as you follow Him!
We invite you engage with us during the week. Gain easy access to encouragement and updates.
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Freedom Life offers life-giving programs for adults, students, and children that will help build your faith and accelerate you into your divine destiny!
Growth Track
Become a church partner and join the Dream Team. Understand the foundations of Truth on which we stand, develop stronger connections, and be part of making a difference through your local campus.
FL Kids
We want all children to love God’s Word, engage with activities and conversations, and understand the value of Truth in their lives! FL Kids offers exciting programs for children ages birth-5th Grade during every worship service.
Twentyfourseven Youth
Wednesdays are all about helping students in grades 6-12 become 24/7 followers of Jesus. It’s relevant, fresh and engaging. Every week includes small group discussions under the direction of a trained adult leader.