“… the righteous are as bold as a lion.”
Proverbs 28:1
Courage Conference will inspire and mobilize Christians to live out their faith with boldness! It is designed to be a disruptive force promoting truth and unity in the midst of a confused and anti-Christ culture.
Partnering with TPUSA Faith, a wide range of special guests will uplift pro-faith, pro-freedom, and pro-family values, and infuse individuals with passion to take action.
Tentative Schedule
5:00pm - Meet & Greet
6:00pm - Doors Open
6:30pm - Conference Begins
6:45pm - Rob McCoy
7:20pm - Graham Allen
7:55pm - Interview
8:30pm - Dismissal -
8:30am - Doors Open
9:00am - Conference Continues
• Session 1
• Session 2
• Session 3
11:00am - Brunch Break
12noon - Special Segment
• Session 4
• Session 5
• Session 6
• Session 7
• Session 8
2:00pm - Dismissal -
Guests from the Courage Conference will share during our worship services:
• Main Campus at 9am & 11am
• Lancaster Co Campus at 10am
• Centre Co Campus at 9am & 10:45am
Freedom Life Church
447 Noble Road
Christiana, PA 17509
Courage Conference registration includes access to all sessions Friday and Saturday, as well as brunch on Saturday.
• $100 per person before August 16th
• $125 per person August 16th-23rd
• $25 Meet-and-Greet Add-On (per person)
Registration for the Meet-and-Greet on Friday before the conference begins is limited. Special guests attending the Meet-and-Greet are not yet confirmed.
Support this event and garner positive public exposure for your business.
We have sponsorship packages ranging from $500 to $5000. Align your business with the disruptive force promoting truth and unity in the midst of a confused and anti-Christ culture. Secure meet-and-greet passes, set up a promotional table display, and receive public recognition throughout the event. Learn more.
Discount Accommodations
Best Western Intercourse Village Inn
3610 E Newport Road, Intercourse, PA 17534
King Deluxe Suite
$269.00 per night
Call: 717-768-3636
Mention “Freedom Life”
Courtyard Marriott Coatesville
600 Manor Road, Coatesville PA 19320
$139.00 per night
August 23rd & 24th Only
Call: 610-384-7401 before July 24th
Group: Freedom Life
Comfort Inn
812 Rt 41, Gap PA 17527
$177.00 per night (two queen beds)
August 23rd
Reserve Online
Group: Freedom Life