Welcome Home
Freedom Life is about helping people experience the FREEDOM + LIFE only God can offer! We are a multi-site church that offers warm smiles, upbeat music and hope for your future!
God is for you, and so are we! Discover how you can grow in faith by visiting one of our campus locations or watching a service online. We have teams of people who are eager to welcome you, pray for you and answer your questions.
Freedom Life offers life-giving programs that will help build your faith and accelerate you into your divine destiny.
Upcoming Events
There are many opportunities to get involved in the life of the church! We host special events that are open to the community, as well as host powerful services for individuals to experience a touch from heaven.
Following Jesus
Discover what it means to follow Jesus. Meet with a Freedom Life team member and complete an online course that will lead you in the most important and impactful ways that you can grow your relationship with God.
FL Kids
We’re intentional about helping kids see Jesus for who He is and helping kids see themselves the way God does. FL Kids offers exciting and interactive programs for children ages birth-5th Grade during every worship service.
Twentyfourseven Youth
Wednesdays are all about helping students in grades 6-12 become 24/7 followers of Jesus. It’s relevant, fresh and engaging. Every week includes small group discussions under the direction of a trained adult leader.
Small Groups
Grow in faith and friendships. Gather with others for a committed period of time for biblical encouragement and prayer. Groups meet in homes, restaurants, online and at the church throughout the week.
Growth Track
Become a church partner and join the Dream Team. Understand the foundations of Truth on which we stand, develop stronger connections, and be part of making a difference through your local campus.
Gift for Guests
As our way of saying, “Thanks for joining us today!” Freedom Life presents every first-time guest with a gift. We invite you to stop by Guest Services upon arrival to meet one of our team members and to receive a little something to express our appreciation for you and your time.